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Warrior Trading Blog

The Real Reason Why I Upload YouTube Videos

Hey everyone, Ross Cameron here! I’ve been getting this question a lot: “Ross, if you’re such a successful day trader, why do you even bother uploading videos to YouTube?” Great question, and let me take you back to where it all began in 2013 when I uploaded my very first video.

Back then, I didn’t think much about being a YouTuber or building a large online following. My intention was simple: I had a blog and I needed videos to go along with the trading setups I was writing about. YouTube was just the easiest way to host those videos. I had no big plans for a YouTube channel at the time. I thought most of my audience would discover me through the blog, not video. Funny how things worked out because now my YouTube viewership far exceeds my blog traffic! Turns out, more people would rather watch how day trading works in real-time versus reading about it.

Starting a Blog to Chronicle My Day Trading Journey

Like a lot of day traders, my early days were a struggle. Sure, my first year had some success, but honestly, it felt more like dumb luck. I traded everything—penny stocks, large-cap, options, you name it. I didn’t have a strategy nailed down, so when the beginner’s luck ran out, I started losing. That’s when I got serious.

To help sort things out, I created a blog called Day Trade Warrior. It doubled as my trading journal. Every day, I’d write posts comparing setups, detailing what worked and what didn’t. This was my way of holding myself accountable. The blog wasn’t for anyone else at first—it was just for me to reflect on my trades and figure out how to improve.

Soon enough, though, other traders found my blog. They liked reading about my struggles, how I navigated them, and that I wasn’t some trading genius who never got it wrong. They started asking questions in the comments, and it was simply easier to make video responses rather than elaborate on every comment in a blog post.

How My Teacher Sparked My Interest in Stocks

Now, where’d my trading interest come from in the first place? A good chunk of it comes down to one teacher I had back in middle school—Kevin. I’ll never forget this guy. He turned a math class into a stock market game during the dot-com boom. While most kids saw it as a way to avoid math problems, I got hooked on the stock market. I even tried buying my first stock at a local broker’s office with $100, only to be told I didn’t have enough money to cover their fees! (Ah, the 90s.) Fast forward to 2001, I finally funded my first real trading account at Ameritrade.

At the same time, I was obsessed with technology, building my own websites and learning HTML. By the late ‘90s, I already had my first online portfolio—a simple website about my guinea pig (I was 13, don’t judge). These skills eventually paired up with my passion for trading, leading me to create what became Warrior Trading.

Warrior Trading Begins

Once I mastered enough of the day trading game and had my blog going, I decided to create a free chatroom in 2014. I was running it off basic, free software back then, and wow, I had no idea how fast it would grow. What started with just 12 or so people ballooned to hundreds really quickly. It also got out of control with trolls and spam, which led me to decide in 2015 to start charging for access. That’s when Warrior Trading went from a side hobby to a real business.

This wasn’t the first business I’d tried either. In high school, my buddy Trevor and I ran a web design company. We weren’t exactly rolling in money, but it was my first taste of entrepreneurship. From there, I knew I was always going to run my own business in some form.

The Challenge that Changed Everything

By 2017, I was getting comments like “Ross, it’s easy when you’ve got a $100,000 trading account. What about us with smaller accounts?” That really stuck with me, and I was like, “Okay, let’s do this.” On January 1, 2017, I began my Small Account Challenge. I started with just $583 (after fees) in a small offshore account and set a goal to reach $100K by year’s end.

The first few days, I made small trades and was excited to double my account. Then, around the second week, something clicked. I had a $1,700 winning day and the profit train kept rolling. By the end of January, I had made $16,000. By March, the account hit $100,000. (Results not typical.) It blew my mind and silenced the doubters.

That entire year, I uploaded daily recaps to show my progress. That accountability kept me sharp—it wasn’t just about proving them wrong, it was staying true to my process and trading smart, not impulsive.

Building The Warrior Trading Community

Through the years, Warrior Trading evolved from a small blog and chatroom into a major online day trading education platform. By reinvesting the small profits I made from subscriptions back into the business, I built a proprietary software called Day Trade Dash. I knew if I created what I referred to as the “ultimate toolkit” for traders—a platform that had charts, breaking news feeds, stock scanners, chatting features—it would be game over. And that’s exactly what we’ve done.

I don’t rely on some venture capital or big investors. Warrior Trading has been completely bootstrapped, built by me and my team through the real-time feedback of our members. It’s been an amazing journey, but it all started from trading while writing blog posts and making a little extra by growing traffic from YouTube.

Why I Continue Uploading to YouTube

I keep uploading to YouTube because it keeps me accountable, and it constantly drives me to improve. Sharing my wins and losses has become part of my workflow. Plus, I feel like I owe it to the day trading community. It’s brought me so much, and now I’m able to give back, helping both new and experienced traders shorten their learning curve.

So, no, I don’t upload because I need YouTube ad revenue or views. I upload because it helps me stick to my strategy, and it helps others learn from the ups and downs I’ve been through. If you’re curious about trading, check out our 2-week trial for Warrior Trading. I know this journey isn’t easy, and that’s why I’m here for anyone serious about becoming a better trader. But remember, this journey has its risks, and my results are not typical. Thanks for reading, and happy trading!

Stay Connected

Warrior Trading was founded by Ross Cameron in 2012 and is now a thriving community of thousands of traders. You can learn more about joining the Warrior Trading community here

Check out my new book How To Day Trade: The Plain Truth

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Disclaimer: The results shared are based on my personal trading experiences and are not typical. Trading involves significant risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always practice in a simulator before trading with real money.