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Warrior Trading Blog

The Fastest Day Trade of the Week Revealed

Hey everyone, Ross Cameron here! Today I’m excited to share how I hit my daily trading goal in a flash. It’s the first time in October that I’ve surpassed my goal, and I did it in just three minutes. The stock that helped me get there? WHLR — a momentum stock that popped up again today after catching my attention yesterday.

It wasn’t smooth sailing with WHLR yesterday, and I’ll dive into those details. I didn’t capitalize on it as well as I could have, but today was different. Let’s break down how it all went, what I learned, and the strategy that helped me hit my target early in the day.

Recapping WHLR

WHLR was our big mover yesterday, but I struggled a bit with it. I had it on my radar but wasn’t comfortable risking a lot of shares when it squeezed mid-morning. I ended the day up about $500, but I didn’t feel great about how I managed the trade. I hesitated and missed out on a bigger move because the momentum kicked in a little too late for the size of trades I was comfortable with at the time.

Today, I came in with a fresh approach. WHLR looked juicier, up by about 30% before 7 a.m., making it the leading percentage gainer. I was awake and ready to move on it. And move I did.

Setting Up for Today’s Session

I started the morning early around 6:45 a.m., but nothing was lighting up the scanners right away. I still had WHLR on my mind, as it was up 30% from the previous session. People were talking about it on the scan, but there weren’t any major news reports or catalysts driving it, which was a bit odd. Still, price action doesn’t lie — sometimes a lack of news is the news.

By 7:00 a.m., WHLR dropped slightly but started to curl back up. That’s when I jumped in. The stock ripped up about $2 a share, setting me up immediately with a $5,000 gain. This was a huge win, and it happened in only three minutes.

The First Major Trade on WHLR

When WHLR broke the $18 mark at 7:00 a.m., I knew I had to move fast. I bought in at $17.98, and within seconds, the stock had jumped to $19.66. It was a super fast trade, and before I knew it, I was sitting on $5,000 in profit — all within less than a minute. Momentum snapped on the stock so quickly, I barely had time to breathe, but that’s why I always say: stay focused when it’s time to execute.

This was the kind of trade we all dream about as day traders — fast and productive. This kind of quick profit can keep you motivated for days, letting you lock in the gains early and preserve your energy for other opportunities.

WHLR Daily Chart Analysis

Now, let’s talk about WHLR’s daily chart. It’s been interesting, to say the least. WHLR had several reverse splits recently, which affected the stock price. It was hanging out at low levels for a while, but earlier in September, the stock went on fire. It squeezed up significantly, all without much news breaking.

One thing I noticed is the lack of resistance on WHLR’s daily chart. With room up to $38.00 and no real news holding it back, it was in a good spot to move. The stock started pulling back after that September squeeze, only to show some life again yesterday. That’s when I thought, “Alright, we might be back in the game here.”

Even though it’s pulled back, it hasn’t dipped below $1 again, thanks to its reverse splits. And being in the $16-$18 range, I saw a lot of potential for more movement today.

Tactical Trades and Quick Wins

I didn’t just stop at that first jump. I kept my eyes on WHLR throughout the early morning and took a few more trades. I had a couple of winners where I bought the dip off $18, pushed it up past $19, and sold for a tidy profit. I also hit a small loss of about $300 on one of the trades, but that’s part of the game.

Overall, I ended up making about $5,953 on WHLR today, and that was mostly driven by sharp decision-making and sticking to my charts. One loser out of four trades isn’t bad in a day where I hit my goal so fast.

Other Trades of the Day: TOVX and CETX

WHLR wasn’t the only stock I traded today, but it was the star. I also tried my hand at two other stocks: TOVX and CETX.

First, on TOVX, I took two trades. The first one worked out okay, but I wasn’t thrilled with the results. I had a small winner, scoring about $160, but it was the kind of trade that gave me more headaches than rewards. Slippage on TOVX was the frustrating part, but that sometimes happens when you’re trading in cold markets.

Then there was CETX. This stock had a reverse split, but instead of going up, it somehow dropped 50%. When you see that kind of move, sometimes it’s a sign to take a step back and reassess. But curiosity got the best of me, so I jumped in at $2.95, hoping to ride it past $3.00. Instead, I quickly realized there was a huge hidden seller in the mix, and I had to cut my losses quickly, walking away with a $400 loss.

Reflecting on the Day’s Trading Performance

Looking back at today, it’s good to feel green. I hit my daily goal, netting a gain of $5,701. I had a handful of trades — some wins, some losses — but overall, I came out on top. What helped me the most today was being cautious and patient. WHLR gave me the momentum I needed, and I didn’t chase trades down that didn’t feel right.

At this point in the week, I’m staying focused on minimizing risk while still taking advantage of opportunities when they pop up. In a market that feels a bit cold, forcing big trades isn’t the way forward. Instead, it’s about hitting those smaller base hits and waiting for the market to warm up again.

Small Account Challenge Update

For those of you following along, the small account challenge is still going strong. Today marks day 12 of the challenge, and things are moving at a steady pace. I didn’t go too aggressive this week — just three trades — as I’ve been focusing on building slowly but surely.

It can be tempting to rush, especially when you see other opportunities popping up, but consistency is key here. It’s more important to keep growing the account safely than to take big, unnecessary risks that could wipe me out. Patience and discipline will pay off in the long run.

Focus on Consistency

The biggest lesson I’ve learned in these cooler market conditions is the importance of consistency. You can’t look at this like a sprint — it’s a marathon. Showing up every morning, staying at the screen, and being ready when the opportunity hits is half the battle. Then, having the discipline to walk away once you hit your target is what separates the successful traders from everyone else.

By 10:30 this morning, I knew it was time to step away. I had made my $5,700 for the day. Whether or not more opportunities would pop up later didn’t matter. Turning off my trading platform after locking in the gains meant I avoided overtrading and took time to focus on other things, like our education content for Warrior Trading members.

Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead

Today reminded me of the power of being ready and that those big trades don’t come every day, but when they do, you have to jump on them. WHLR gave me the momentum I needed to have a great day, and I stuck to my rules, letting me walk away with a win. There’s no doubt that the market is a bit colder now — not everything is running the way it did in September, for example — but the key is not to let that throw you off your game.

Tomorrow is another day, and I’ll be back at the same time, looking for the next opportunity.

Final Thoughts and Future Plans

As I move forward into the rest of the week and month, my goal remains to keep building that cushion, even if it’s little by little. No one day of trading is going to make or break you, especially in a market like this one. Slow and steady wins the race.

Remember to stay disciplined, manage your risk, and most importantly, ensure that you’re learning and growing from every trade. It’s all part of becoming a better day trader.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning!

Stay Connected

Warrior Trading was founded by Ross Cameron in 2012 and is now a thriving community of thousands of traders. You can learn more about joining the Warrior Trading community here

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Disclaimer: The results shared are based on my personal trading experiences and are not typical. Trading involves significant risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always practice in a simulator before trading with real money.