Day Trading With Webull Webull is an online brokerage founded in 2017 by Wang Anquan, an alum of Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi and e-commerce giant Alibaba (BABA). It is regulated by both the FINRA and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) so traders should feel comfortable trusting them with your money. The mobile-focused brokerage […]
Day Trading
The Fallout from the Blowup in Media Stocks
By now, most people have heard about the blowup in various media stocks like Discovery (DISCA), Viacom (VIAC), and Tencent (TME). The financial media reports that a family office run by a Tiger Cub blew up due to its massive leveraged position in these stocks. The story has been told ad nauseam. The fund […]
How Many Day Trades Can You Make In A Week?
As with kicking off any career, there are plenty of things you should learn if you have dubbed yourself a brand-new day trader. Not only will you need to decide what to trade, when to trade, how to manage your risk, but you’ll have to get the right software and equipment, and of course, […]
Why You’re Not Making Money Consistently With Your Trading
The stats are pretty clear – over 90% of people who day trade are not able to generate consistent profits. This pretty shocking statistic means only a handful of traders actually have anything to show from their day trading activity and some have sadly lost money. And still millions of people around the world […]
How To Use Volume To Improve Your Day Trading
Volume is an important indicator that shows the liquidity of a stock which is important for day traders to be able to open and close a trade. So in this article we are going to look at how to use volume to improve your day trading. The more market players that trade a stock, […]
What Are Floor Traders and What Did They Do?
Today the market is entirely electronic. You generate digital order tickets and route them to an electronic exchange that automatically matches your orders with corresponding orders, or else it sits on the digital order book waiting for another trader to route an order that satisfies it. Outside of some hiccups created by high-frequency traders, […]
Want To Become A Day Trader? Here Are The Pros And Cons
Day trading has grown in popularity particularly in the past year as more and more individuals sought financial freedom and the ability to live life in a way that is meaningful and fulfilling to them amid the global coronavirus crisis. The surge in amateur day traders has helped to create a record number of new […]
Momentum Indicator (MOM) Explained For Beginners
Many of the best day traders in the world use momentum indicators and achieve outstanding results every year. Momentum traders assume the broader stock market is right and stocks that have shown a recent pattern of upward or downward movement will continue their path. To summarize a well-known phrase among traders, “the trend is […]
What is MOMO Trading?
What is momo trading and what does momo stand for? These are common questions we see all the time. Although there are many different types of trading strategies available, ‘momo’ trading strategies have become more and more popular in current markets. In this post, we’ll discuss what momo trading strategies are, how you can […]
How Margin Rates Affect Buying Power for Traders
If you utilize margin in your trading, you need to understand how margin works, how much it works, and how it can work against you. In this article we’ll talk about how margin rates affect buying power. What is Margin? Margin is credit that your broker extends to you to trade. For example, in […]