What’s up, everyone? All right, so today is, I don’t know, the seventh or eighth consecutive green day. I’m up $400 which is awesome. I didn’t quite hit my $2,000 daily goal, but it’s another green day. In the last week I’ve made just about $50,000 which is a good reminder that it’s okay if […]
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The Rise of CBD Oils and the Massive Market for Them
Awareness about the benefits of the marijuana plant might be growing, but not as many people know that many derivative products made out of cannabis have the potential to be just as popular if not more so than the plant itself. There are a variety of these derivative products out there in the market, but […]
+$8K Green Day! | Ross’ Trade Recap
What’s up everyone? So here we are another big green day, up over $8,000 dollars. I had 14 grand or 15 grand on what was it, it was almost 16 grand on Monday, $3500 yesterday so that put me up almost $20,000 on the week. And now another $8,000 today so that’s like almost a […]
One & Done! +$900 in 15 Minutes! | Mike’s Trade Recap
Good morning guys. Just over $900 bucks in the first 15 minutes of trading, I’ll take it. That’s where we ended the day today on one quick trade out of the open to the short side on MYL for a really nice breakdown in the first 15 minutes of trading. Really nice to lock up […]
+$40K in 5 Days! | Ross’ Trade Recap
What’s up everyone? All right, so here we are, Tuesday morning, $3,500 of profit, which means I am now up just about $40,000 on the month and it’s May 7th. So this is a great start. First week, one week, 40 grand. I can feel really good about that. This is the first month since […]
Premarket Trading Tips For Beginners
Premarket trading occurs during the time period before the stock market opens, which usually happens between 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m EST. Many stock traders focus on how shares of a company perform after the opening bell and completely disregard the premarket trading session. The major U.S. stock market exchanges open for normal trading from […]
The Right Time To Be Aggressive +$16K! | Ross’ Trade Recap
What’s up everyone? The raccoon strikes again, $16,000 of profit today. Another terrific day. Puts me up about $36,000, $37,000 on the month, and today is May 6th. I am 90% to my $40,000 monthly goal. In fact, this is now a month where I have the potential of doubling my goal, $80,000, maybe even […]
+$160 on My Portable ATM! | Ross’ Trade Recap
What’s up my everyone. All right, so here I am trading on the road again, two laptops, two USB monitors. That’s all I need. This right here is a traveling ATM. Today, it put out 160 bucks. Not the biggest winner, but you know what? Hey, green is good. The last couple of days have […]
A Trading Week With No Losers? It Feels Good! | Roberto’s Weekly Trade Recap
All right guys. Welcome to the weekly recap. So here is Roberto Barbaro, and trading educator for Warrior Trade. So this week overall, it’s been a very good week. It’s been an incredible week, I had zero losers. I ended up taking an overall total of four trades. One was a scratch trade, this one […]
Friday Fireworks +$7.6K | Mike’s Trade Recap
Happy Friday, guys. Well we said we were going to end the week on a strong note and we definitely did it today. We closed our short trade on CTSH for up over 7,600 bucks. One single trade, so that easily takes care of our weekly goal and we’re coming now into the month on […]