Wall Street investors tend to get very nervous during times of heightened volatility such as the 2008 financial crisis. That’s why some of them look toward the CBOE volatility index in an attempt to get some downside protection during times or market turbulence. What is the VIX? The CBOE volatility index, known by its ticker symbol VIX, […]
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Best Indicators for Day Trading
Technical analysis can’t get complicated really quickly so we put together some of the best indicators for day trading and how you can use them. What is Technical Analysis? To understand what technical indicators are, you should first know what Technical Analysis is – and who the people who practice it are. Traditional financial analysis […]
Best Apps for Day Trading [2022]
Best Apps for Day Trading Smartphones have made our lives easier in countless ways. With a couple taps of a finger, you can buy a Super Bowl ticket on StubHub, book a flight and hotel room in Miami through Priceline, and summon an Uber to take you to the airport. A trip to Super Bowl […]
Best Day Trading Platform for [2022]
Day trading has become popular in recent years thanks to easy access to powerful computers and high-speed internet connection. However, it’s worth being aware that successful day traders need several tools, including a concrete plan and a decent trading platform. Today, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about day trading and provide you […]
How to Evaluate a Stock Before You Invest
Knowing how to evaluate a stock is a crucial step in developing your investment skills so you know whether you are getting a deal or not! How to Evaluate a Stock Example A share of common stock is a fractional claim of ownership of a company. Because thinking about owning a fraction of Apple or […]
How to Trade Options on Robinhood – Step By Step
Knowing how to trade options on Robinhood is a great way to get introduced to the options market. Their free commissions makes it cheaper than ever to trade options. Below we’ll dive in to how you can place your first options trade on Robinhood’s platform. Trading Options on Robinhood When Robinhood first entered the […]
Why Day Traders Thrive When Volatility Spikes
For a large portion of the investment industry, market volatility is a scary element to consider. Buy-and-hold investors don’t like seeing their stocks whipsaw around and the financial media is quick to bring the fear whenever markets move frantically. But is volatility really that harmful to your portfolio? Don’t believe the CNBC hype – […]
Dotcom Bubble: What the Heck Happened?
What is the Dotcom Bubble? The dotcom bubble was the exponential rise of tech stock prices between 1995 and 1999. While tech stocks were on fire throughout the late 90s, the real explosive growth came in 1998 and 1999. The period was a time of market mania in which plumbers and mechanics were becoming millionaire […]
Dividend Aristocrats: Who They Are and How to Invest
What is a Dividend Aristocrats? Dividend Aristocrats is the name used for stocks that are members of the S&P 500 that have increased their dividends every year for the past 25 years. A dividend is a payment made by a company to shareholders of record by a predetermined date of eligibility. Dividends are a way for […]
How to Buy and Sell Stocks
Whether you’re day trading, swing trading or investing, you need to know the basics on how to buy and sell stocks. What is a Stock? A stock (also called an “equity” or a “share”) is a security that represents an ownership share in a public company that is listed on a stock exchange like the New York Stock […]