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Most Famous Traders Of All Time

Top 5 Most Famous Traders Of All Time

  In all industries there are people credited to being the best. In design, the late Steve Jobs is credited to being the best in his industry. In boxing, Muhammad Ali was credited to being the best boxer of all time. In U.S. politics, there is a consensus that Abraham Lincoln was the nation’s greatest President by every measure applied. […]

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Jesse Livermore

The Legend of Jesse Livermore

Who is Jesse Livermore? Jesse Livermore is the most famous trader of modern times. Like most notable traders, he is most known for his big calls, shorting the stock market prior to the Panic of 1907 and the 1929 Great Depression. Livermore is the subject of Edward Levefre’s partly-fiction novel Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, […]

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ECN Fees

ECN Fees and How They Can Affect Your Profits

  Technological advances have made it possible for day traders to trade the financial markets efficiently and securely, much like the big financial institutions. The electronic communications network (ECN), sometimes also referred to as alternative trading system (ATS), is one such facility, a computerized system that matches buy and sell orders for market securities. ECNs are […]

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LIFO vs FIFO: Which is Better for Day Traders?

  For day traders, both profitable and unprofitable, tax concerns are one of the most criminally overlooked issues. Why? Because aside from trading itself, taxes have the most material impact on your profits than anything else.  FIFO (first-in, first-out) and LIFO (last-in, first-out) are inventory accounting concepts. Your local grocery store probably utilizes FIFO to […]

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