Day 39 of the $100k Challenge +$96 | Ep. #42

Day 39 of the $100k Challenge +$96 | Ep. #42
The simplest way to describe theta in options trading is that it is the daily decay of the extrinsic value of an an option. However, the metric is based on the assumption that the price and volatility of the underlying security will be constant over that period of time, which is never the case. […]
Forget the 40 Hour Work Week, How Does $2,614 Dollars a Day Sound? Hey all, John L10 here! The last article I published was on Jan 31st, where I did a recap of my trading profits for the first month of 2017. I also gave my general thoughts on why I trade small caps. I […]
3 Smart Money Moves To Make In Your 20s Every year, millions of young adults from around the world head off to college and after a few years they graduate. After graduating, they head out into the world looking for employment in an upcoming start-up or a well established organization. Others take a leap of […]
If there is something that counts in binary trading, it has to be the Relative Strength Index. This essential aspect can help you become a successful trader if you understand how to analyze the markets with this significant identifier between overbought and oversold conditions in asset trading. What is the Relative Strength Index? […]
Investing terms are important to understand if you want to get involved in the markets. A full understanding of them will help you make better choices when it comes to how you are investing your hard earned funds. One of the terms that you should know is something called a “dividend”. What Is A Dividend? […]
When I first started this journey of trading momentum, I already knew it was going to be tough. What made me thinking that? I am not a fool and I already had a first experience trading this strategy. I was perfectly aware that mastering this one wasn’t going to be easy at all. So, when […]
Day 38 of the $100k Challenge +$2,397.40 | Ep. #41 Daily Recap All right, guys. Time for a midday market recap. Here we are at the end of February. We’re ending what has now been the best month I’ve ever had of trading. Last month was the best month I’ve ever had and I made […]
Interactive Brokers Review While many day-trading brokers continue to charge equity commissions, Interactive Brokers is one firm that has launched $0 trading. Despite its new pricing schedule, it still provides some really good software. Keep reading for an in-depth analysis. Services Offered Interactive Brokers specializes in global trading of a wide range of […]
Day 37 of the $100k Challenge +1.8k | Ep. #40 Transcription of Today’s Best Trades All right, guys, we’ll do a midday market recap here. Lunch time. Day 37. Overall today was a pretty choppy day, and I just didn’t see the level of follow through that I was looking for on most of my […]