What’s up, everyone? All right, so finishing the morning here up $2435. Another great day of trading. My red shirt, actually, where is it? Seems to be bringing me some good luck. Two really good days in a row, up 12,000 on the week, over 20,000 on the month. $127,000 on the year, and up […]
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Churning Definition: Day Trading Terminology
Churning is a regulatory term that describes excessive trading by a broker for a client account that is unnecessary for meeting the client’s investment goals. Brokers accused of churning are assumed to be conducting excessive trading with a client’s account to produce unnecessary commissions. Churning is illegal and the SEC will prosecute suspected cases of […]
Contango Definition: Day Trading Terminology
Contango occurs when the future spot price of a commodity is expected to be below the current spot price and the price of futures contracts are above the expected spot price on their expiration dates. Contango results in an upward sloping futures curve, as the premium for future delivery increases with the expiration date of […]
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Definition: Day Trading Terminology
The Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, is the federal regulatory body tasked with overseeing the American securities markets. Role of the Securities and Exchange Commission The Securities and Exchange Commission has a wide variety of roles in the US securities markets, which can be summarized under three official mandates: the protection of investors, the […]
+$992.21 Shorting $RKDA and Trading Momo on $DXR
What’s up everyone? All right, so finishing my third day trading here in California, up $992. Not bad at all. Today was a little bit of a rare day, because I took a short position. It’s been so long since I took a short position, I had to scroll up like 500 trades in my […]
Top Tips On How To Get Out Of Debt
Let’s face it. Debt is unavoidable. Maybe you need money to finance your education or to finance your business. Probably you need to make a major purchase and don’t have the financial means to do so on your own. Well, you are not alone. How To Get Out Of Debt According to a survey carried […]
Taking a Position in Crypto Using Your Day Trading Computer?
If you day trade from a desktop computer, you may be able to take a position in the cryptosphere easier than you might think. What I mean by this is you may be sitting on a perfectly capable mining machine with potential of making anywhere from $50 to $200 a month, mining cryptocurrencies. I purchased […]
-$310 on the 2nd day of Trading in California!
What’s up everyone? So finishing my second day trading here in California. This is my trading station. It’s pretty sweet. I’ve got my two laptops, my two external monitors. Those are hooked up with these little kind of brackets which are really sweet. Yesterday was an awesome day with $4,000 profit. Today is the day […]
Chinese Wall Definition: Day Trading Terminology
The Chinese wall is made up of the formal and informal barriers within a company that limit the information shared between different divisions that might cause a conflict of interest. Example of a Chinese Wall For example, the wealth management division of a bank will not have access to the content of on-going mergers and […]
Commingling Definition: Day Trading Terminology
Commingling is the act of combining separate assets into one financial entity, of which the asset holders then own a proportional share. The most common example of commingling is in the case of mutual funds, where investors pool their personal resources into one shared fund that trades securities on their behalf according to an agreed-upon […]