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Warrior Trading Blog

A Tough Day But Lessons Learned

Hey everyone, Ross Cameron here! Today was a day trading rollercoaster that tested my patience and strategy. Starting down $2,000 on the first trade wasn’t ideal, and recovering felt like climbing a steep hill. But hey, I managed to claw my way back and even finish slightly positive by $154 (remember, my results aren’t typical). Let’s dissect some of the trades that got me there.

The First Trade: Setting the Tone

PHUN was my first trade, jumping in at $7.62 after it hit my scanner at $7.59. It popped to $8, but I ended up taking a small $15 profit by stopping out at $7.68. A decent start, but not quite the win I needed.

The Big Miss: KALA

KALA, up 47% at one point, ended up being a major disappointment. I entered at $6.12 hoping for a continuation, but it dumped to $5.60 after a brief pop to $6.40. I stopped out with a hefty $1,700 loss. A small recovery trade helped a bit, but overall, KALA was a tough one.

Clawing Back: GRI with High Hopes, Low Float

GRI, with its low float and recent offering news, was another challenge. Entering at $1.96 for some momentum, it shot up to $2.50 for a quick profit. Unfortunately, it dumped again, leaving me disappointed. Thankfully, I secured a $1182 gain before it all went south.

BSFC: A Choppy Ride with Frustration

BSFC offered some hope, but also a lot of back-and-forth. My initial entry of 2,500 shares at $2.37 got stopped out for a loss. Re-entering later on a seeming upswing, I managed to squeeze out a $998 profit, but it was a nerve-wracking ride. The constant price swings made clean trading difficult.

MLGO: Multiple Swings and Strikes

MLGO was a frustrating rollercoaster. My first few attempts at small trades ended with me getting stopped out for losses. Finally, on the fourth try, I secured a quick $500 profit, only to lose it again as the stock dropped. Overall, I finished down $334 on MLGO.

GOVX: A Close Shave

GOVX seemed like a decent play, but it quickly dipped after my entry at $4.40. I averaged down at $4.03, and this time it worked out, allowing me to exit with a small $15 gain. This close call highlighted the choppiness of the market today.

Final Thoughts

This day was a stark reminder that day trading isn’t always sunshine and profits. Starting down $2,000 and being up $900 at one point, I ended slightly positive at $154 (remember, these aren’t typical results). The key takeaway? Sticking to moderate share sizes and tight stops helped me contain losses. Still, the choppy market made it a challenging day.

Remember, trading involves risk, and my results are not the norm. Always prioritize risk management and stay disciplined. I’ll be back tomorrow, hoping for smoother trades to finish the week strong. Stay tuned!

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Warrior Trading was founded by Ross Cameron in 2012 and is now a thriving community of thousands of traders. You can learn more about joining the Warrior Trading community here

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