Alpha is an investing performance measure that tracks the return of a position or portfolio relative to some representative benchmark. For example, the benchmark for a portfolio of U.S. equities may be the S&P 500, and any return above or below that of the S&P 500 for that year would be considered the portfolio’s alpha […]
Day Trading
Common Stock Definition: Day Trading Terminology
A common stock is a security unit that represents a share of ownership in a corporation. The owners of common stock exercise their control over the corporation by electing its board of directors on a pro rata basis. Holders of common stock are the last to receive their share of remaining corporate assets in the […]
Financial Markets Definition: Day Trading Terminology
A financial market is any marketplace where investors trade securities or commodities on an open exchange with transparent orders and transactions. Financial markets generally offer low transaction costs and high trading volumes. Financial markets mainly trade in equities, bonds, commodities, foreign exchange and derivatives, among other financial instruments. A financial market is contrasted with financial […]
Security Definition: Day Trading Terminology
A security is a financial instrument that is both fungible and negotiable. It is a legal contract that represents the rights of ownership of either some portion of a publicly-traded company, some quantity of credit to a business or government body, some quantity of physical good or commodity, or a derivative instrument. Equity and Debt […]
Dragonfly Doji Definition: Day Trading Terminology
The dragonfly doji is a candlestick pattern used in technical analysis to signal a likely positive reversal in a preceding downward trend. A dragonfly doji occurs when the high price, open price and closing price are all the same, generally at the top of a significant downtrend throughout the day’s trading. The return of the […]
Double Top Reversal Trading Guide
The double top reversal is a chart pattern that indicates an upcoming price reversal for a security. The defining feature of the double top reversal is the two peaks with a moderate trough between, the second of which will be followed by a sharp downtrend that reverses all the gains leading into the price peaks, […]
Money Flow Index Definition: Day Trading Terminology
The money flow index, or MFI, is a momentum indicator that measures the flow of money in and out of a security over a specific time period. The money flow index is similar to the relative strength index, or RSI, but it adds the trade volume to the RSI’s price action analysis. Calculating the Money […]
Volume Rate of Change (VROC) Indicator Definition: Day Trading Terminology
What is the volume rate of change? The volume rate of change, or VROC, is a technical indicator used to measure the rate of change in the trade volume of a security. Volume is an important component of virtually every trading strategy based on technical analysis, and is a key indicator for many strategies. Therefore, […]
Dan Bilzerian: Can He Revolutionize the Marijuana Industry?
If you spend any time on Instagram, then you are bound to have heard of Dan Bilzerian, the ‘Instagram King’. Dan Bilzerian’s life seems to be made up of one adventure after the other, and always in the company of smoking hot babes in next to no clothes, so it is no surprise that cameras […]
National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) Definition: Day Trading Terminology
The National Association of Securities Dealers, or NASD, was the regulatory agency charged with overseeing the operation of the NASDAQ stock exchange and various over-the-counter (OTC) markets. The National Association of Securities Dealers also oversaw the examination and licensing of various investing professionals, such as the series 7 exam. In 2007 the National Association of […]