Know someone who’s a day trader and want to buy them something extra special for the holidays?? We’ve got you covered with some of the best gift ideas for day traders! Gaming Keyboard & Mouse Combo by Redragon ASUS Gaming Monitor ASUS Portable Monitor for traders on the move Adjustable […]
Day Trading
How to Buy Doordash Stock
Want to know how to buy Doordash stock? Great, you’re in the right place! The 2020 calendar year will long be remembered in the eyes of many stock traders as the year of the coronavirus pandemic. With more than one million people across the globe already dead from the deadly virus and tens of millions infected, we […]
Bearish Abandoned Baby Pattern For Beginners
Japanese candlestick chart patterns are a way to read and interpret the price of financial instruments. Over the last few decades, traders have been using them to make trading decisions and predict the short-term direction of the price of market instruments. Candlesticks are believed to have been invented in the 1700s by Japanese rice trader called Munehisa […]
Three White Soldiers Pattern – What It Is And How To Trade It
At a time when many traders are scratching their heads trying to understand how stocks can rise during the biggest economic downturn in nearly a century, it is more important than ever to use candlestick patterns within your own day trading strategy to understand price action. Candlestick patterns tell traders about price trends and the market sentiment. They have […]
How to Buy the Dip With Confidence
The crowd is always wrong, right? Maybe most of the time. But the idea of “buying the dip” in the stock market might be a rare example of the wisdom of crowds at play in financial markets. It’s an old idea with heaps of academic support. That’s not to say that the […]
Three Black Crows Pattern Explained For Beginners
If you would like to become a successful day trader, it is important to know your chart patterns inside and out. Chart patterns are formed over time and comprise of multiple candlesticks. They are popular among traders because they have the ability to predict future price-action with a high probability. There are several useful […]
Top 5 Most Famous Traders Of All Time
In all industries there are people credited to being the best. In design, the late Steve Jobs is credited to being the best in his industry. In boxing, Muhammad Ali was credited to being the best boxer of all time. In U.S. politics, there is a consensus that Abraham Lincoln was the nation’s greatest President by every measure applied. […]
The Legend of Jesse Livermore
Who is Jesse Livermore? Jesse Livermore is the most famous trader of modern times. Like most notable traders, he is most known for his big calls, shorting the stock market prior to the Panic of 1907 and the 1929 Great Depression. Livermore is the subject of Edward Levefre’s partly-fiction novel Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, […]
ECN Fees and How They Can Affect Your Profits
Technological advances have made it possible for day traders to trade the financial markets efficiently and securely, much like the big financial institutions. The electronic communications network (ECN), sometimes also referred to as alternative trading system (ATS), is one such facility, a computerized system that matches buy and sell orders for market securities. ECNs are […]
How to Trade the Fisher Transform Indicator
One of the great things about trading is that everyone can have their own unique style. Even if two different trading styles conflict, it doesn’t mean that one strategy is right and one is wrong. With thousands upon thousands of stocks to choose from, there’s always an abundance of effective ways to trade. Technical […]