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Warrior Trading Blog

In-Depth Guide to my MACD Scalping Strategy for Beginner Traders

Hey everyone, Ross Cameron here! Today, I’m diving into one of my favorite strategies for day trading. It’s the MACD scalping strategy. This is especially good for beginner traders because it focuses on locking in profit within a 30-minute window. Timing is crucial, and the idea is to be aggressive during the cleanest price action and exit before overstaying your welcome. Let’s dive in!

Understanding MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence)

MACD is a key technical indicator in trading. It helps traders read market sentiment and determine trends. It’s an oscillator, moving up and down, indicating changes in market strength. When MACD is positive, it signals a good time to trade, while a negative MACD suggests it’s time to step back.

Setting Up Your Charts with MACD

Getting MACD on your trading charts is simple. Most platforms allow adding this standard indicator. I configure MACD with these settings: Fast Length: 12, Slow Length: 26, Signal Length: 9, and Source: Close. I also use the one-minute chart for the best results, as it offers real-time feedback critical for day trading.

Key Concepts in Trading

Let’s break down two important concepts: technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Technical analysis is about reading charts and patterns to predict future movements—it’s crucial for the MACD strategy. Unlike fundamental analysis, which looks at a company’s financials, technical analysis focuses on price action and volume. Another key idea is understanding the front side and back side of a move. Trading the front side is less risky because you’re following the trend. The back side, however, is risky and can lead to losses.

MACD Scalp Strategy: 30-Minute Profit Window

This strategy focuses on a 30-minute window when MACD is most effective. It’s generally during this time that price action is clean, allowing me to lock in quick gains. Keep an eye on market conditions to ensure the best opportunities for this strategy. Remember, it’s not about staying in the market all day, but about making the most of this optimal window.

Finding Volatile Stocks to Trade

Volatility is key in day trading. To find the right stocks, I use stock scanners. I look for stocks priced between $2 and $20, up at least 10% on the day, with a relative volume of 5x or higher, a float under 20 million shares, and any breaking news. These metrics help identify stocks that are likely to move.

Executing Trades: Step-by-Step Process

When executing trades, quick decisions are crucial. Set up your workspace with charts (10-second, one-minute, five-minute, and daily), an order entry window, and Level II data. Use hotkeys for fast buy and sell actions. Enter trades during pullbacks and manage exits with limit orders for quick, successful trading.

Examples of Trades Using the MACD Scalping Strategy

Let’s look at some real trades. One example is AZTR. I entered at $2, added to my position as it moved up, and locked in profits during the initial run. I avoided trading once the MACD indicated the move was over. Another example is SLRX. Identifying the start of the 30-minute profit window allowed me to trade breakouts and pullbacks effectively.

Analyzing Your Trading Metrics

Reviewing your trades is essential. I use trading software to analyze my profit/loss ratio, accuracy, and hold time. This helps me improve and adjust my strategies based on performance. Knowing when and where you perform best can significantly impact your trading success.


To wrap up, the MACD scalping strategy is a powerful tool for day trading, especially for beginners. I focus on trading during the MACD’s positive window, avoiding the back side. I always analyze trades for continuous improvement. Remember, my results are not typical, and trading carries risks. Always practice first in a simulator before using real money.

Thank you for tuning in, and if you found this helpful, hit that thumbs up and subscribe to my YouTube channel. See you in the next blog!

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Warrior Trading was founded by Ross Cameron in 2012. Today Warrior Trading is a thriving community of thousands of day traders learning to trade under the curriculum designed by Ross

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Disclaimer: The results shared are based on my personal trading experiences and are not typical. Trading involves significant risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always practice in a simulator before trading with real money.