These are Warrior Trading Reviews Straight from the Members
“The amount of education is almost unlimited at this point…Everything about Ross as a teacher is the way he teaches, he really dumbs it down, he makes it where pretty much anybody can learn from him and know what he’s talking about” – Timmy and Larissa’s Warrior Trading Review
“Hands down the best academy that’s out there online. Some of the things I like the most about it is Ross, the mentor, he’s just a regular guy, he gives you his background, it’s a humbling background, I think he said he worked at a gas station for crying out loud…he’s ready to rock and roll every single day” – Delon’s Warrior Trading Review
“When I came to Warrior Trading and I’d seen that platform and I heard Ross talk about retirement and what’s your long term goal and being that he was just a salt of the earth guy, I had researched for about a month, and I’d been to other sites, and I knew that at that point that Warrior Trading was the place I wanted to be” – Dave’s Warrior Trading Review
About the Warrior Trading Reviews
We’ll take this opportunity to remind you again that trading is risky. We are proud of our members who have found success, but since we don’t track the results of every member at Warrior Trading as a whole, we cannot guarantee you’re any more likely to achieve success by being a member versus trading on your own.
However, what we can tell you over the years of trading in the markets and educating beginner traders, Ross has developed a keen sense of what it takes to become a profitable trader. As you watch the interviews and continue reading on the Warrior Trading Reviews on this page, you’ll discover some of the habits and skill sets that may produce success.
The best path for taking the journey of learning how to trade is to take it step by step and never put real money at risk until you’ve first proven profitability in a simulator. You may have not been living by this wisdom in your trading thus far, but we implore you to take a step back. Look at your metrics and ask yourself whether or not you can justify putting real money on the line. If the answer is “no”, flip the switch to paper trading until your metrics improve. This step alone will save you a tremendous amount of unnecessary losses during your learning curve.
Searching for Credible Information about How to Start Trading
When Ross began trading he started his journey by searching for the Best Penny Stocks to Buy. As you might imagine, he was inundated by websites and articles that were promoting different penny stocks and offering penny stock alerts. It was very clear that trade alerts are a flawed concept. A nice idea, but not something that works well in practice. Ross realized he needed to learn a day trading strategy. He needed a set of rules of how he would find stocks to trade, how he would manage his risk, and where he would buy and sell.
But before spending a tremendous amount of time studying a strategy he read about, one of the first things Ross did was to try to establish whether or not the source of the information was credible and legitimate.
The Criteria for Credibility
- Proof of Profitability: Ross felt that somebody sharing their strategy and/or teaching must themselves be a profitable trader. While it’s probably true that many professors in Colleges or Universities are not practicing the topic they teach, learning to day trade is something done less from a text book and more through apprenticeship and mentoring. You have to learn from somebody who is actually doing it themselves.
- Strategy Must Be Clear, Concise and Simple To Understand: While trading may not be easy, a strategy does not need to be overly complex. Some complex strategies that rely on options trading, time decay, changes in volatility, or arbitrage, would be very difficult for most beginners to understand, let alone to execute successfully.
- The Strategy has been Independently Recognized: A strategy will gain legitimacy if it’s been recognized in the media, through awards, or by some other publication. This supports the credibility that this is a real day trading strategy.
Is Warrior Trading Legitimate?
Warrior Trading is an award winning platform for day traders that has been recognized by Investopedia and Business Insider. It was founded in 2012 by Ross Cameron. Ross’s own trading profits exceed $10,000,000 and have been independently audited by SingerLewak according to the standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Ross’s day trading strategy is based on the simple and well known concept of trading stocks with breaking news such as Earnings, Clinical Trial Data, New Contracts, and Initial Public Offerings.
In addition to being a full time trader and the founder of Warrior Trading, Ross is the best selling author of “How to Day Trade” and a contributing writer for Entrepreneur.
Warrior Trading Reviews from Authoritative Sources
Check out a Warrior Trading Review written by Benzinga, a financial news outlet with over 13 million monthly visits, or perhaps Alexander Voigt’s In Depth Warrior Trading Review here.
Ross’s Audited Trading Records
When Ross began his small account challenge on January 1 2017, he knew as soon as he crossed $1,000,000 he would have all the statements audited and publish the results. Naturally when you do something crazy like turn $583 into $1 million, there will be skeptics. The audit was important for authenticating his returns. Each year following crossing over $1 million, Ross has had the audited updated to add the most recent statements. As of today, Ross has turned the small account that began with just $583.15 into over $10,000,000 in audited gains.
Our All Star Members at Warrior Trading
Ross recently wrote an article about the All Star Members at Warrior Trading. These are members who have verified their profitability. Ross interviewed most of these members in an attempt to better understand the ingredients that lead to success. He outlined several characterists, or traits, that seem to support success. These include being extremely driven, competitive, and aggressive. Having multiple sources of income. Being computer savy. Making quick decisions under pressure. Knowing when to walk away, and having the discipline and patience to follow the rules.