What’s up, everyone? All right, so mission accomplished. Finishing the week with one more green day. This week, it was pretty good, overall. Monday, Tuesday, great. Oh no, sorry. Tuesday, Wednesday was great. Monday, for labor day, the market was closed. Thursday, red day. And I was disappointed because I got a little aggressive. I’d […]

Nothing Went Right Today -$5k | Ross’ Trade Recap
What’s up everyone? All right, well today’s one of those days where it felt like nothing went the right way from the very beginning. I drove halfway to work only to get a call that, hey, internet’s out at work. So I had to double back, head home and then set up at home on […]

Technical Difficulties! +$47 on $AEO | Mike’s Trade Recap
Hey, what’s up guys? Back in the markets today after a holiday weekend. The action still continues to be a little bit slow. I got held up by a little bit of a technical difficulty this morning on my platform. For some reason, I was unable to open new positions, couldn’t really get it figured […]

+$6.6k on OPGN in Less Than 1 Hour! | Ross’ Trade Recap
What’s up everyone. All right, well here we are finishing the 11th consecutive green day, definitely a hot streak here. Over the last 14 days, I’ve made over $65,000 trading one hour a day. Today, another $6,600 on one stock, OPGN. Now, the disappointing thing today is I had my first loss of the month. […]

The Tradeosaurus Rex Strikes Again +$2,778! | Ross’ Trade Recap
What’s up, everyone? All right. So welcome back from the long Labor Day weekend. I hope you guys really enjoyed it. I got a little rest, and hopefully, you guys did too. So here we are, first trading day of September. One trade, one winner, $2,700 of profit. A little bit more than the daily […]

Closing August in the GREEN, Here Are My Stats! | Roberto’s Weekly Trade Recap
What’s up guys? Roberto here, and we are here for one more weekly recap. This week, I took an overall total of four trades and I had three winners and one loser. Unfortunately, I did close the week with a loss. It’s never a good feeling when that happens closing up on a Friday, especially […]

+$55K in The Last 12 Days! | Ross’ Trade Recap
What’s up, everyone? All right. We made it. It is the end of August, the end of what is typically the slowest month of the year for day traders. Gosh, we ended up finishing in great shape. The first 10 days were tough. The last 10, 12 days have been amazing. $55,000 in the last […]

$3K A Day Keep a Job Away | Mike’s Trade Recap
Hey, what’s up guys? Well, I’m ending the day nicely in the green and you know what they say, 3K a day keeps the job away. And we had a really solid morning of trading here, on a short sided trade right out of the open, for a really solid win. So let’s take a […]

Thankful Thursday +$5.4K Going to Local Charities | Ross’ Trade Recap
What’s up, everyone? All right, so here we are. We’ve almost made it just about to the end of August, and boy, this has been such a turnaround story for me. From down $10,000 on the month on, I think, the 14th, so almost to the halfway point. Now I’m up $40,000 on the month. […]

Back in Action! +$3.2K on $ADSK | Mike’s Trade Recap
Hey. What’s up guys. So I’m ending the day nicely in the green here by just over $3,000 on a trade this morning after no trades on both Monday and Tuesday. It’s definitely been a little bit slower for the trades in large caps, but it’s important to remain patient and just wait for those […]