Return on investment (ROI) refers to a metric that measures profit or loss generated by an investment in relation to the invested funds and is expressed as a percentage. As the most common profitability metric, it helps to evaluate the performance of a company relative to the invested money. It’s important to understand that profit […]
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Opening a new Swing Trade & Scalping the Momo on $SPEX
Opening a new Swing Trade & Scalping the Momo on $SPEX What’s up everyone? All right. So, we’re gonna do our midday market recap here in one second. I’ll give you guys a chance to get logged in, or at least live streaming here. Sometimes when I do a live stream, I notice that if […]
No Shortcuts Can Replace Experience
No Shortcuts Can Replace Experience As human beings, we always feel the need of rushing to get what we want. Although it’s great to have ambitious goals in life, we often miss the big point of working hard enough as well as being very patient at the same time in order to get there. I […]
+$528.72 on the 150th Day of the Year!
+$528.72 on the 150th Day of the Year! All right, guys. So, we’re gonna do our midday market recap here, and go over trades from this morning. Before we do, I want to put out a special announcement. Tomorrow at 1 p.m., I’m gonna be hosting a webinar on “The Three Myths to Penny Stock […]
Bitcoin Mining: Everything You Need To Know
Everyone has heard of it by now, but what is bitcoin mining or cryptocurrency mining? Bitcoin mining refers to a decentralized computational process where new bitcoins are created for each block and where transactions are confirmed in a trustful manner. The process is resource intensive and difficult. This is because a lot of hardware […]
No Trades Tuesday! Trade the Best & Leave the Rest
No Trades Tuesday! Trade the Best & Leave the Rest All right guys, so … Let’s break down our midday market recap here. Overall, today’s no trade Tuesday. I just happen to not take any trades. I didn’t see anything for me that looked good. Now, I know that Mike did really well […]
Why Bitcoin Price Passing the $4,000 Milestone Matters
Why Bitcoin Price Passing the $4,000 Milestone Matters Bitcoin started 2017 at $963, which makes its recent crossing of $4,000 a blistering 300% rise so far for the year. This rapid ascent is more than just a passing phase, and it is important for investors to understand exactly what is driving this rapid increase in […]
How To Set Up Your Trading Screen For Optimal Performance
The difference between catching a perfect trade and watching it slip by can often come down to a split-second decision. That is why it is absolutely essential that your trading screen is designed to optimize your trading performance. While everyone’s optimal chart layout will be different, there are a few key guidelines that are universally […]
Roth IRA Account Definition: Day Trading Terminology
A Roth IRA is a retirement account funded by a taxpayer using his or her post tax-income. The plan has several similarities to the traditional IRA. In the traditional IRA, contributions are made with pre-tax dollars which means an individual will pay income-tax when they withdraw the money from the account during retirement. When it […]
Traditional IRA Account Definition: Day Trading Terminology
A Traditional IRA is a retirement account where individuals are allowed to contribute pre-tax income which grows tax-deferred. No dividend-income is deducted by the IRS until the amount is withdrawn by the account holder once they attain the age of 59 ½ years. Traditional-IRA accounts are overseen by select custodians who include retail brokers and […]